A place filled with Hungry and Seeking People of God The needy receiving a touch from the Master The Lost Saved Power of Cancers broken Various Healings, Miracles Deliverance from enemy strongholds The Holy Spirit moving in Power Young People giving their all to Jesus, committing their lives to live & serve Him Marriages restored Families healed and unifiedSome might say— Impossible!
Friends, I have just shared my heart and vision for our community. To date, we have just tasted of what Jesus would do in our midst! Much, much, more is coming ahead!
Today, I extend an invitation for you to join us in Christian service and prayerful expectation of what is to come. Together, we can see God’s ministry vision fulfilled for our community!
Again, imagine our Church Sanctuary is completed! The Word of God Proclaimed! The Holy Spirit ministering God’s Heart plans for His people! Believers filled with the Holy Spirit, witnessing the Glory and Power of our God released in Praise and Worship!
The programs and plans of man don’t compare with the Divine Plan and Ministry of Our God! Are you hungry and thirsty for more of Jesus? Do you need a touch from the Master? Is your marriage and family being tested and torn? The Invitation is Simple– Come!!! Jesus will meet you! We will pray, encourage, and minister to you!
Are you longing to find a Church home where believers know you, where you can be nurtured and encouraged to serve? Again, the invitation is– Come!!! Find and fulfill your place in “The Body of Christ”!
The Hour is Late! The Time for playing Church, seeking programs—pleasure—ear tickling games is over!
The Holy Spirit is speaking to the Church! The Shophar is sounding! People of God rise up! Prepare yourselves. The Hour of God’s Revival is upon us!