Progress over the Years”
Pastor Wayne Radd
Faithful To The Call
Church Building Project Update–
Our Lord God’s Miraculous Never Ceases! Peter calls us to remember “With the Lord one Day is as a Thousand Years, and a Thousand Years as one Day (2Pet. 3:8). Our Church Building Project Progress was slow by Man’s Standards yet according to God’s Clock = Perfect Timing!
Finally in April 2020, amid all the COVID concerns, we called for our final inspection for the Project! During this period of time, The Holy Spirit spoke in my Heart an Amazing Promise- (Psalm 138:8) “The Lord Will Accomplish What Concerns Me.” On the inspection day, concerns and questions were raised about our North Drive Entrance-Exit. From that meeting our Contractor contacted and then sent the County Inspector the requested documents for review.
Christian Friends, “God’s Thoughts and Ways are Higher than ours. Paperwork was sent to the County on a Friday afternoon. On the Next Wednesday Afternoon, we received the Certificate of Occupancy for our Church Building! Hallelujah, Our Lord Accomplished what concerned me and our Church Family!!!
The ongoing reality for everyone in Jesus is: “Be Faithful and Obedient; Follow The Holy Spirit’s leading no matter what!” Truly then we will witness our Loving Lord God’s Faithfulness to Lead, Provide, Work Wondrous Miracles among us, and Accomplish What Concerns Us!
Our Invitation: Come See and Rejoice in the Miracles our Lord has Accomplished Among Us! Join us also in believing for an increase of “God’s Wondrous Works of Power” in our Lives and Present Day!